Products and services

We are a leading clean-energy company developing and offering solutions for our customers in electricity, heating, and cooling, as well as solutions to improve resource efficiency.

Battery Recycling

Fortum Battery Recycling is revolu­tion­ising the lithium-ion battery value chain

Our low-CO2 battery recycling solution makes it possible to recycle over 80% of the battery, and 95% of the valuable metals contained in the battery's black mass can be put back into circu­lation.

Learn more

Indus­trial Site Devel­opment

Fortum accel­er­ates time-to-market solutions for energy-intensive invest­ments in Finland. We offer tailored industrial site development solutions in Finland, catering to global energy-intensive industrial developers and investors.

Read how we can help you and your company. Read why you should choose Finland for your green investment.