Options to be reviewed in the Loviisa power plant's EIA Programme

In the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure of Loviisa nuclear power plant, the environmental impacts of a potential extension of the operation of the power plant or, alternatively, the decommissioning of the power plant, as well as the environmental impacts of the final disposal facility for low- and intermediate-level waste will be assessed. 

Option 1:
Extending the operation of Loviisa power plant by a maximum of approximately 20 years after the current operating licence period, followed by decommissioning.
  • The option also includes the measures to extend the service life of the power plant, decommissioning of the power plant after the licensing period ends, the operation and ultimate dismantling of plant parts to be made independent and the waste management measures related to these phases.
  • In addition, the option includes the possibility of receiving, processing, placing in interim storage and depositing for final disposal small amounts of radioactive waste generated elsewhere in Finland.
Option 0:
Decommissioning of Loviisa nuclear power plant after the current licensing period (in 2027/2030).
  • The option also includes the operation and ultimate dismantling of plant parts to be made independent and the waste management measures related to these phases.
Option 0+:
Decommissioning of Loviisa nuclear power plant after the current licensing period (in 2027/2030).
  • The option also includes the operation and ultimate dismantling of plant parts to be made independent and the waste management measures related to these phases.
  • In addition, the option includes the possibility of receiving, processing, placing in interim storage and depositing for final disposal small amounts of radioactive waste generated elsewhere in Finland.


Loviisa nuclear power plant Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Report, programme and summary materials

See materials