The nominees for Fortum's Supervisory Board
The Finnish State has announced that it will propose that the following persons
are elected to Fortum Corporation's Supervisory Board for the upcoming term at
the Annual General Meeting, which is to be held 7 April 2009:
Markku Laukkanen, Member of Parliament (MP), as Chairman
Sanna Perkiö, MP, as Deputy Chairman
Martti Alakoski, Union Chairman, as member
Tarja Filatov, MP, as member
Sampsa Kataja, MP, as member
Kimmo Kiljunen, MP, as member
Katri Komi, MP, as member
Panu Laturi, Secretary General, as member
Juha Mieto, MP, as member
Jukka Mäkelä, MP, as member
Helena Pesola, Director, as member
The nominees have given their consent.
Fortum Corporation
Maria Romantschuk
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
Further information:
Mr Pekka Timonen, Director General, Ownership Steering Department, Prime
Minister's Office, Tel. +358 9 1602 3000
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