Fortum included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index
Fortum has secured its place on the global Dow Jones Sustainability Index World
index 2009/2010 as the only Nordic power and heat company. Fortum has been
included in the index every year since 2003/04. Fortum was also included in the
Dow Jones STOXX Sustainability Index for the second time in-a-row. Dow Jones
Indexes, STOXX Limited and SAM Group announced the results of the annual review
earlier today.
"Sustainability has been a core part of Fortum's strategy for several years. We
truly believe that sustainability, in addition to be a responsibility of a
respected corporate citizen, is a true success factor for our business. This is
what our results in the marketplace also substantiate. The DJSI nomination shows
that we are moving in the right direction. We are very proud of the external
recognitions that our efforts has resulted to," says Carola Teir-Lehtinen,
Corporate Vice President, Sustainability at Fortum.
Fortum has been included in the DJSI World index for the seventh time in-a-row.
DJSI World index includes 317 leading companies from 27 countries worldwide in
terms of corporate sustainability whereas DJSI STOXX index comprises 154 leading
European companies.
Furthermore, Fortum is included, as the only Nordic energy company, in the
Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI), which is comprised of 68 FT500
companies that show distinction in their reporting of greenhouse gas emissions
and implementation of climate change strategies. Fortum has also been chosen on
the Storebrand's Best in Class report.
Fortum Corporation
Corporate Communications
Further information:
Hannu Härkönen, Sustainability Manager
Tel. +358 10 45 24162
hannu [dot] harkonen [at] fortum [dot] com
Fortum is a leading energy company focusing on the Nordic countries, Russia and
the Baltic Rim area. Activities cover the generation, distribution and sale of
electricity and heat and the operation and maintenance of power plants. Our
vision is to be the benchmark power and heat company excelling in