The refurbishment carries several benefits: it increases the power plant's generation capacity, improves the efficiency of both electricity and heat production, reduces the environmental impacts of energy production significantly and improves security of supply.
More electricity with less fuel and lower emissions
The upgrade was carried out by installing two new 44-megawatt (MW) gas turbines that function in combined cycle. Altogether the power plant's electrical capacity has increased by 60 % to 237 MW, while fuel consumption has decreased by one third. Furthermore, the power plant’s nitrogen oxides emissions (NOx) have decreased by almost 60 %. All in all, we are now able to produce energy more cost-efficiently and reduce emissions at the same time.
Heating and powering the city
The Chelyabinsk CHP-1 power plant answers to approximately a quarter of the city’s heating demand by supplying district heating to some 200 000 residents and businesses.
The refurbishment at Chelyabinsk CHP-1 is part of Fortum's continuous efficiency improvements and development of assets. Fortum is also running an extensive investment programme in Russia. Once completed in 2015, the investment programme will have nearly doubled Fortum’s power generation capacity in Russia, increasing it to over 5,100 MW.