The topics at the half day workshop ranged from the development needs of the electricity market design, security of supply, transmission infrastructure development and the models of regional cooperation.
One of the key topics in the recent discussion on the future electricity market design in Europe has been regional electricity market development. "The Nordic region serves as a good example for the integrating EU electricity market. We are already using a lot of renewable, sustainable energy sources and our key infrastructure is well developed. We are also in the forefront in adapting new technologies to promote, for example, prosumerism, whereby electricity consumers become also producers," notes Esa Hyvärinen, Senior Vice President, Corporate Relations for Fortum at the end of the workshop.
"With stronger cooperation and stronger coordination of energy policies across the region, we can positively contribute to electricity market transformation in Europe – both at the national, regional and European level."
One of the speakers was Hans Henrik Lindboe from Ea Energianalys. Mr. Lindboe is conducting a study on the regional electricity market design for the Nordic Council energy working group. According to him, the Nordic countries should look at the electricity adequacy together, more than today. The most critical development area in the Nordics is the connection between the development of renewables and the low electricity price level. Regarding a possible capacity mechanism Lindboe considers strategic reserves as the best option.
Petteri Kuuva, Industrial Counsellor from the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy commented on the market design discussion from the Finnish Government's point of view. Energy security has two dimensions – regional and national. We need to guarantee the flexibility of the power system – demand response development is a way to keep the system functioning also in the future. He agrees that the regional cooperation is essential for marked development but we need to keep in mind also the national aspects, such as security of supply.
Joakim Cejie, Chairman of the Electricity Market Group, emphasised also the regional cooperation in his comment, but pointed out that we need to decide which forum is the most important. Cooperation and coordination should always have a clear purpose and aim.
The workshop was organised in cooperation with Nordenergi, the Nordic Electricity Market Group (EMG), and the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy under the Finnish presidency in the Nordic Council. The participants included representatives of Nordic TSOs, energy industry associations as well as energy companies.