Published: June 2020
In May 2020, the experts in start-up and commissioning, DCS and monitoring from Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies (SGTT) successfully completed start-up and adjustment of SGT5-4000F gas turbine after the minor inspection. The work was done together with PAO Fortum Nyagan GRES engineers.
It is the first time in Russia that such work has been performed remotely. Before this, SGTT specialists used to carry out start-up and adjustment work directly at the site.
Development of a qualified remote gas turbine maintenance service may significantly reduce the time for responding to the customers’ requests and allow generating companies to operate Siemens turbines more efficiently.
During the remote start-up and adjustment at Nyagan GRES, a duplicate video signal from CCGT unit control system engineering workstation and current GT operating parameters from Win_TS data collection system were transferred to SGTT experts. The experts themselves were located at the SGTT production site in the Leningrad region in Russia. GT adjustments needed during the start-up was performed by the power plant unit operating specialists being constantly supported by SGTT experts through video conference.
When performing such work, Siemens specialists always meet all the requirements to the cybersecurity of the critical IT infrastructure assets as there is no direct connection to control system of the combined cycle unit, just a video signal duplicated in real time. Siemens and Fortum specialists successfully completed a full scope of start-up and adjustment work and optimised combustion modes.
Successful remote performance of work demonstrates a high level of professionalism and trust between the parties – SGTT, the original manufacturer of the equipment, and PAO Fortum.
“This digital solution was originally developed by our company for performing urgent work to support operating staff in real time. For example, if there arise problems related to commissioning and operating capacity of the equipment and also in emergencies,” Holger Raabe, Head of Customer Service and Maintenance, SGTT, noted. Remote start-up and commissioning allows to significantly reduce the time for responding to the customers’ requests, but at the same time it requires high qualification of the plants’ operating staff”.
“Nyagan GRES is one of the most effective and, therefore, one of the most loaded power plants in Western Siberia. In 2019, the utilisation factor of the installed capacity of Nyagan GRES was 87.5%. Striving for better efficiency of our power plant we highly estimate the service offered by SGTT which allows to accelerate the performance of the tasks that require the engagement of Siemens engineers. It should also be emphasised that the current coronavirus pandemic situation has significantly restricted travels of specialists and demonstrated high demand for the technologies that provide reliable remote control over technological processes,” Alexander Chuvaev, head of Fortum's Russia Division, commented. He also noted that the company is interested in introducing successful solutions in the field of remote monitoring and control at its production facilities even after the end of the current restrictions related to the epidemiological situation, and hopes to develop cooperation in a similar format with all technological partners.