Consumer Solutions

The hair salon Hårteam1 was looking for a reliable electricity provider and chose Fortum Consumer Solutions

08 June 2021, 11:39 EEST

Hair salon with hair dresseras

The hair salon Hårteam1 decided to change electricity supplier and was deceived by an unserious company. The electricity bill became sky high and the co-owners at Hårteam1 lost all confidence in the electricity industry. But when they got in touch with Hannes at Fortum, it turned around.

Hårteam1 is a well-established hair salon in Solna, Sweden, that started 16 years ago. 90% of the customers are regulars and are very satisfied. There are two girls working at the salon, one of whom is Evelina Gulger who is a co-owner and has worked as a hairdresser since 2002.

A while back, they started reviewing their electricity contract and realized that they consume a lot and therefore the electricity bill was higher than they had thought. They then began a process to change electricity supplier. They came in contact with a company that turned out to be very unreliable.

- We started looking around for a new supplier and we were tricked by a rogue electricity company that promised one thing but when the invoice came it turned out not to be true. Therefore, we generally feel that we do not have a good experience with electricity companies, says Evelina Gulger.

They realized quite quickly that they needed to change electricity supplier again. They came in contact with Hannes Nordgren, Account Manager at Fortum, who helped them get out of their contract with the unserious electricity company.

- When I heard that they had been deceived by that particular electricity company, there was no doubt that I needed to help them and to get them over to Fortum instead, says Hannes Nordgren.

Hårteam1 gave Fortum power of attorney so that everything could be handled quickly and smoothly during the transition. For Evelina, it felt good to change to a safe and stable electricity company that keeps its promises.

- We have great contact with Hannes. He is honest and keeps his promises. A large gold star to Fortum for a smooth transition and all the help we have received, says Evelina.

Is reliability important to you when choosing between electricity providers? Please contact our local Account Managers via the links below.


