Building a Virtual Battery With Our Customers

Together with thousands of customers, we commercially operate the largest Virtual Battery in the Nordics. We make our customers' assets automatically work for the environment in a profitable way.

Earn additional revenue with your existing investments
Pikku Juttu
Green value for your company
Cost efficient
Up to speed with very little investments

Fortum Spring - our offering

Fortum Spring is a demand response aggre­gator and operator within Fortum. We connect flexible assets and batteries to our platform and provide this harnessed capacity to various energy markets, including ancillary services, via Fortum’s trading system. By utilising the already existing assets for balancing services, we can create additional revenue streams for the asset owner and help the increased renewable production to integrate better to our energy system.

How to join?

Ready to harness your assets for green value? Great! The process is simple. First, we roughly evaluate the technical and economic potential of the asset to see the demand response potential. Then, if we mutually agree that the asset is suitable, we continue with our five steps process. Click the button below to get started.

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“Utilising HDC’s UPS equipment in the electricity market is an important part of a modern data center and the mitigation of environmental impacts. By participating in the reserve market, we can promote more renewable energy by providing support to the power grid”

Harri Vilonen Telia

Read the news

Extra revenue for the green­house through demand response in the heating system

Fluctu­ating energy prices encouraged Sigg-Plant nursery to invest in new electric boilers as part of the green­house heating system. With Fortum Spring, the boilers also provided a new source of income.


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Contact us

Juha Sainio

Sales Manager, Finland
Tel: +358 40 777 9311
juha [dot] sainio [at] fortum [dot] com

Antti Mäkinen

Business Development Manager, Finland
Tel: +358 46 5000 4660
antti [dot] makinen [at] fortum [dot] com

Mui Nguyen

Business Development Manager, Sweden
Tel: +46 72 210 8361
mui [dot] nguyen [at] fortum [dot] com