Collaboration partners
Fortum participates in several national and international energy-sector and sustainability organisations. The list below includes the most significant of these. In addition, Fortum has joined several joint business initiatives promoting market-driven energy and climate policy.
International collaboration partners
Fortum is involved in the following organisations and funds:
- Eurelectric is the sector association representing the common interests of the whole electricity industry at the pan-European level.
- Euroheat & Power is the international association of district heating and cooling.
- Foratom is the trade association for the nuclear energy industry in Europe. Its primary purpose is to promote the use of nuclear energy in Europe by representing the interests of this industrial sector.
- RECS International (Renewable Energy Certificate System): Within the framework of this organisation, Fortum is working with 90 other, mainly European, companies to prepare rules and a system for the international trade of renewable energy certificates.
- World Bank's Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF): Fortum is a shareholder in this fund, which invests in CO2-reducing joint implementation projects in Eastern Europe and clean development mechanism projects in developing countries. The emissions reductions achieved by the PCF are distributed to shareholders according to their share of ownership.
- Bettercoal is an organisation that aims for continuous improvement in responsible operations in the coal supply chain.
- World Energy Council (WEC): Fortum is a member of WEC via the national committees in Finland and Sweden.
- COGEN Europe promotes the development of Combined Heat and Power, CHP production in Europe and globally.
- International Energy Agency, IEA, is an autonomous organisation that works to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 28 member countries. Fortum is a collaborator.
- Confederation of European Waste to Energy Plants (CEWEP) is the association of the owners and operators of Waste to Energy Plants, representing 394 Waste to Energy Plants from 18 European countries.
- The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) promotes and develops sustainable and professional waste management worldwide. ISWA has 1,400 members in more than 90 countries, thereof national member organisations in 40 countries and some 100,00 members associated with its national member organisations.
- European Union for Responsible Incineration and Treatment of Special Waste (EURITS) represents more than 90% of the EU's specialist waste incineration sector. It exists to ensure waste's safe, legal, and environmentally sound incineration.
Finnish collaboration partners
- Finnish Energy (ET) is an industrial policy and labour market policy association representing Finland's electricity and district heating industry.
- Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK): Fortum cooperates with this leading business organisation in Finland.
- Corporate Responsibility Network (FIBS): Fortum has been a member since 2013.
- The Recycling Industries of Finland (Kierrätysteollisuus ry) is a Finnish industry association representing the interests of companies in the recycling industry and circular economy.
- The Waste Management Association (JHY) promotes knowledge of waste management, proper waste treatment, and waste utilisation in Finland.
Swedish collaboration partners
- Avfall Sverige is the Swedish Waste Management and Recycling association with members from public and private waste management and recycling sectors.
- Energiföretagen Sverige is the Swedish power producers' and district heating producers' branch organisation.
- Energiforsk is the energy-sector research organisation about heat and cooling in Sweden.
- Svenskt Näringsliv: Fortum has representatives in different committees.
Norwegian collaboration partners
- Energi Norge is a national energy industry organisation.
- Norsk Solenergiforening is a solar energy association.
- Norsk Fjernvarme is a membership organisation for the Norwegian district heating industry. Its primary objective is to promote the development of district heating and cooling in Norway, based on renewable and carbon-neutral energy.
- Avfall Norge is a Norwegian waste management and recycling association promoting and developing socially responsible waste management policies in Norway and Europe.
- Norsk Elbilforening is a non-profit organisation representing the majority of electric car owners in Norway. It cooperates with the Norwegian government, the electric car industry, and other organisations.
Polish collaboration partners
- Responsible Business Forum is the biggest Polish non-profit organisation promoting responsible business.
- Polish District Heating Chamber of Commerce links companies that have operations related to district heat.
- Polish Chamber of Biomass is an organisation promoting the position of biomass in future energy policy.
- Scandinavian Polish Chamber of Commerce supports dialogue between Scandinavian companies operating in Poland and Polish authorities and organisations, furthermore develops business relations between Scandinavia and Poland.
- Polish Association of Energy Traders is a politically independent organisation active in developing energy-sector legislation.
- PTEZ Polish Association of CHP plants promotes combined heat and power production in Poland.
- Employers of Poland are the oldest and largest employers organization in Poland, they represent 19 000 companies with over 5 mln employees.
French collaboration partners
- French-Finnish Chamber of Commerce supports dialogue between Finnish companies operating in France.
- La Fabrique Ecologique promotes ecology and sustainable development.
Indian collaboration partners
- Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is a non-governmental and non-profit industry organisation.
- European Business Group (EBG) represents European business interests in India.
- Indian National Hydropower Association (INHA) organisation represents the views of Indian hydropower companies.