Fact sheets

Information on topical issues at Fortum.

The future of nuclear power 

In October 2022, we launched a two-year feasi­bility study to explore prereq­ui­sites for new nuclear in Finland and Sweden. We explore commercial, techno­logical, and societal conditions for new nuclear. We also inves­tigate new partner­ships and business models.

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Clean energy architect for data centres

Our mission is to move towards a cleaner world together. Advancing digital­i­sation and reducing emissions from energy production are significant steps towards this goal. That’s why we want to enable new data centres to be located in the Nordic countries.

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Research and innova­tions

Fortum's research and innovation activ­ities aim to improve Fortum's compet­i­tiveness and create a basis for new profitable businesses.

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Fortum's exit from the Russian market

Following Russia’s attack on Ukraine and against the backdrop of Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine, Fortum resolved to exit all of its Russia operations and business relationships. The Russian assets have been deconsolidated in 2023, fully written down and the operations have been classified as discontinued.

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Fortum in India

In 2012, Fortum entered the Indian market and its businesses have mainly included development of renewables. In May 2024 Fortum announced selling of its ownership in Indian solar portfolio. Fortum still has EV charging services and a renewables development portfolio with projects at different stages in India.

Read more about our operations in India

Country fact sheets

We are one of the cleanest energy producers in Europe. Our core opera­tions in the Nordics comprise approximately 5,000 professionals.

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