News and articles
Follow the latest news and releases from Fortum Recycling & Waste and circular economy!
Stock exchange release
Inside information: Fortum to sell its recycling and waste business to Summa Equity for approximately EUR 800 million
Customer release (B2B)
New Fortum Circo® compounds to be presented at Plastic Recycling Show Europe in Rai, Amsterdam on 19-20 June
Online news
Fortum Battery Recycling Oy and Marubeni Corporation sign Memorandum of Understanding to address the demand for recycled raw materials
Co-developed Fortum Circo® compound is a perfect fit for KAOS
Online news
Fortum Recycling & Waste invests 10 million euros for a new state-of-the-art metal refinery in Gävle, Sweden
Rethinking Recycling blog
Rethinking plastics – the new alternative for current plastic materials is born from CO2
Press release
Fortum Battery Recycling and Hydrovolt join forces to drive the Nordic battery industry forward
Fjernvarme Fyn and Fortum will focus on regional cooperation in the future
Rethinking Recycling blog