Three people at a meeting

Per­son­nel, safety and society

We aspire to be a responsible employer that offers a diverse and motivating work environment and invests in personnel development and well-being. For us, excellence in safety is the foundation of our business, and safe performance is a sign of professionalism.

Di­ver­si­ty in focus

We value diversity and foster fair treatment and equal opportunity in the recruitment, remuneration, development and advancement of employees, regardless of ethnicity, religion, political opinion, gender, age, national origin, language, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, or any other factor. Discrimination or unfair treatment is not tolerated, and we address it immediately.

Safety first

For Fortum, excellence in safety is the foundation of our business. We believe that all work injuries and EHS non-compliances are preventable when competence and the right attitude prevail when potential risks are addressed and when measures are taken to safeguard against them. Good occupational safety is a prerequisite for an efficient operation from the point of view of our employees and environment. Our safety targets are common, and our goal is the continuous improvement of safety.

We have already achieved a good safety level, and our target is zero severe injuries. The Group’s new safety target is measured as Total Recordable Injury Frequency (TRIF) for our own personnel and contractors, and our ambitious goal is to be below 1.0 by the end of 2030.

We support our employe­es' well-being and de­ve­lop­ment

The energy sector is changing, and so is our company. We wish to support our employees in responding to the field's megatrends. Their well-being and work-life balance are important to us, as it is the people that enable what Fortum is today and in the future.

Our Energise Your Day program encourages employees to maintain and develop their well-being and care for themselves.

Our values – Aim High, With Care, Win Together – foster collaboration across the company and with customers, creating a work environment that encourages innovation, flexibility, and personal growth.


employees in total at the end of 2023


female share in management

Sustai­na­bi­li­ty Report

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