Press release

Fortum’s annual outage 2017 at Loviisa nuclear power plant completed

22 September 2017, 10:00 EEST


Both units at Fortum’s Loviisa nuclear power plant are back in production after
their annual maintenance outages. The annual outage of Unit 1 lasted
approximately 22 days, until 27 August, 2017. All scheduled work at Unit 1 was
completed on time. However, the total duration of the annual outage was
exceeded by approximately two days due to malfunction of a valve during
start-up. The maintenance outage of Unit 2 lasted approximately 17 days, until
21 September. All scheduled work was completed one day ahead of schedule.
Start-up of unit 2 was prolonged 12 hours due to trip of feedwater pumps during
turbine start-up.

This year both units underwent a refueling outage. In conjunction with the
annual outages, about one quarter of the fuel in both units was replaced.

In addition to the normal periodic maintenance tasks and refueling, the most
significant work on both units this year is the renewal of the high-pressure
safety injection pump motors. At Loviisa Unit 1, also a modernised
high-pressure turbine was installed and at Unit 2, two turbine moisture
separators were replaced.

“This year several challenging projects were successfully implemented at both
units, thanks to high quality planning. Overall, the work went smoothly,” says
Anssi Laakso, Manager, Plant Lifetime Management and Maintenance unit.

Good results have been achieved in the long-term development efforts to lower
the radiation levels at the plant during the annual outage. Thanks to the
continuous development work, the collective radiation doses for personnel
during annual outage at Unit 1 were the lowest in the plant’s history and among
the lowest for Unit 2 compared to similar types of outages.

“At the power plant, tidiness and good order are prerequisites for an efficient
and safe working environment. In our daily operation we pay attention to them,
and especially during annual outage when the number of employees and work to be
done is multiplied in comparison with normal operation. A great step forward
was taken in managing the premises and work sites. This is one of the
contributing factors why no injury related loss of workdays occurred during
this annual outage,” Laakso continues.

A total of some 700 external employees participated in the Loviisa power
plant’s annual outage that started in August and in ongoing modernisation
projects. About 80 per cent of the workers were Finnish subcontractors. There
are approximately 500 Fortum employees and some 100 permanent contractors
working at the Loviisa power plant year round.

Fortum Corporation
Group Communications

More information:
Anssi Laakso, Manager, Plant lifetime management and Maintenance unit, tel.
+358 10 455 4063

Loviisa power plant

In 2016, the load factor at Fortum’s fully-owned Loviisa nuclear power plant
was 91.1%. On an international scale, the load factor was among the best in the
world for pressurised water reactor power plants. The plant produced a total of
8.33 terawatt hours, which is approximately 13% of Finland’s total electricity
production. The Loviisa power plant employs approximately 500 Fortum employees
and 100 permanent contractors. In 2016, Fortum invested EUR 100 million into
the Loviisa nuclear power plant.


Fortum is a leading clean-energy company that provides its customers with
electricity, heating and cooling as well as smart solutions to improve resource
efficiency. We want to engage our customers and society to join the change for
a cleaner world. We employ some 9,000 professionals in the Nordic and Baltic
countries, Russia, Poland and India, and 62% of our electricity generation is
CO2 free. In 2016, our sales were EUR 3.6 billion. Fortum's share is listed on
Nasdaq Helsinki.