In 2021, Fortum collaborated with the children’s environmental organisation called Miljøagentene (The Eco-Agents) to develop De Grønne Forskerspirene (The Green Researchers), a teaching programme for all third-graders in Norway. During the programme, around 10,600 children in the participating 475 school classes carried out fun experiments and learned about renewable energy. The children were also provided with practical guidelines for additional voluntary experiments to be done at home. The goal of the programme was to give the children a passion for research and environmental commitment and to show how new technology and renewable energy can contribute to solving climate challenges.
The third-graders completed different experiments and competed with other school classes. At the end of the competition, three winners were chosen and each received EUR 500 for their classes.
According to Fortum’s representatives in the project, “Miljøagentene gives insight into energy on the children’s terms. The 8-year-olds have researched the mysteries of energy and have thus become more energy-smart than many adults. We’re happy to continue and further develop the collaboration in 2022.”
The impact of the programme was measured through a survey of participating teachers. The result showed that 95% were happy with the project, 96% noted that the project increased knowledge on renewable energy, and 86% thought that the project increased children’s engagement in climate and environmental topics.
Fortum supported Miljøagentene financially, but also contributed to the teaching programme.
Feedback from Miljøagentene: “Through De Grønne Forskerspirene we have been able to give the third-graders a unique understanding of what energy actually is. The classes have reported back that it has been both fun and exciting to be a part of the competition. Hopefully we have inspired them to lifelong environmental engagement.” Miljøagentene’s aim is to stimulate the children’s interest and love for nature and to help them realise that the way we live our lives impacts the environment. Miljøagentene has more than 10,000 members and 59 local groups all over Norway.
Read more in the Sustainability 2021 report.
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