ReMaint® Nuclear

ReMaint® Nuclear is a modular maintenance optimisation toolkit for improving the performance of nuclear power plants.

REMAINT nuclear maintenance concept
Management Model

Concept supports to fulfil constantly tightening demands to ensure reliable, safe and profitable operation of a nuclear power plant.

Fuel source flexibility
Resource allocation

Advanced methodologies define maintenance strategies and support resource allocation to achieve proactive and optimised maintenance.

REMAINT nuclear outage concept
Outage optimization

With ReMaint® Nuclear Outage tool we optimize outage activities by identification of areas with the highest improvement potential to increase NPP performance.

See how the ReMaint® concepts can help with optimizing maintenance and outages

Logical steps to improved maintenance and availability


Optimization of nuclear power plant maintenance can lead to huge improvements in plant performance. By using ReMaint® Nuclear Loviisa NPP has achieved world-class performance in terms of load factor, maintenance costs and outage duration.

ReMaint® Nuclear consist of a set of easy-to-adopt tools each having a unique contribution to nuclear plant performance.

Our core operation and mainte­nance capability areas:

  • Maintenance management optimization
  • Outage optimization
  • Maintenance management data system (CMMS)
  • Equipment reliability management

Jani Ikonen

Newbuild and Operating Services
Tel: +358 40 357 2467
jani [dot] ikonen [at] fortum [dot] com

Criticality classification

Maintenance optimization is based on criticality classification. Fortum's proprietary ReMaint® Nuclear Criticality Classification methodology (patent pending) classifies nuclear power plant systems, structures, and components (SSCs) according to their impact on plant performance and enables selection of the most profitable maintenance strategy for each SSC. It optimizes the "big picture" of nuclear power plant maintenance by re-allocating maintenance resources from non-critical SSCs to those having the biggest impact on plant performance.

ReMaint® Nuclear Criticality Classification is delivered as a service where we together with NPP organization classify plant equipment with our classification methodology. Criticality criteria applied in classification is derived from NPP organization’s needs and priorities.


  • NPP unavailability during operation decreases by identifying equipment whose failures cause production losses and by creating & implementing maintenance programs to prevent the failures (especially "Single Point of Vulnerability" equipment get optimized mitigation plans). 
  • Removing preventive maintenance tasks from “run-to-failure” class equipment can shorten outages



RCM-analysis produces optimized maintenance programs which give the highest improvement on plant performance with acceptable risk level. Traditional RCM-analysis can be a laborious exercise. To save our customer’s time and money, ReMaint Nuclear aRCM uses three different methods in RCM-analysis : Lite RCM, Streamlined RCM and Full-scope RCM


Contact by email

Nuclear Services

nuclear [dot] services [at] fortum [dot] com (nuclear[dot]services[at]fortum[dot]com)


Maintenance optimization on a nuclear power plant is based on data. Collecting the right data and managing it properly are critical enablers for maintenance optimization and continuous improvement of maintenance programs. Enterprise Asset Management Software (EAMS) is the "must" tool for managing nuclear power plant maintenance and accumulating the data for maintenance optimization. 


Contact by email

Nuclear Services

nuclear [dot] services [at] fortum [dot] com (nuclear[dot]services[at]fortum[dot]com)


Maintenance Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the drivers for improving maintenance effectiveness and efficiency. It is important to select the correct set of KPIs to be able to monitor that the maintenance optimization takes the nuclear power plant performance to the right direction and to facilitate continuous improvement of maintenance performance


Contact by email

Nuclear Services

nuclear [dot] services [at] fortum [dot] com (nuclear[dot]services[at]fortum[dot]com)


ReMaint® Nuclear Outage is a management model and toolset for optimizing outage activities. We first perform a pre-study using ReMaint®Outage concept as one reference point to identify areas with the highest improvement potential to increase NPP performance. The pre-study would also reveal possible constraints for adopting elements of the ReMaint® Nuclear Outage. Based on the pre-study, we propose the most beneficial ReMaint® Outage delivery scope.


Contact by email

Nuclear Services

nuclear [dot] services [at] fortum [dot] com (nuclear[dot]services[at]fortum[dot]com)