Deterministic Safety Analysis

Fortum has a long history of using Apros in the field of safety analysis. We use Apros to calculate all the deterministic safety analyses for Loviisa nuclear power plant. The Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority has accepted deterministic safety analyses carried out with Apros by Fortum since 1990s. Apros is continuously developed and extensively validated for safety analysis use.

Development tools and methods
Modern tool for safety analysis

Apros is a modern and user-friendly software for developing and maintaining the analysis models, as well as calculating analysis cases.

Energy market data
Continuously developed and validated

A new Apros release is published and validated at least once a year.

Nuclear power
Extensive and accurate system code

Apros analysis model can include the whole power plant: 3D neutronics, primary and secondary sides, automation and electrical systems as well as containment building within one simulation model.

Deterministic safety analyses

We provide deterministic safety analysis support with Apros® software based on our long experience in the nuclear industry.

Modern tool for safety analysis

Apros is a modern and user-friendly software for developing and maintaining the analysis models. Intuitive graphical user interface together with wide programming tools enable fast and efficient model development, analysis calculation and result export to reporting purposes. Model modifications are easy to do without separate input deck preparations. Switching between different power plant states (full power, part load, hot shutdown etc.) can be easily done with the help of initial conditions, which can be saved at any point of the simulation. Model documentation can be easily integrated in the model by Wikidocs, embedding documents into the model, or by adding URL links to plant documentation location.

Continuously developed and validated. We invest and put our effort to continuous development and thus a new major Apros release is published and validated at least once a year with improvements to the efficiency, accuracy and applicability. Apros is extensively validated with separate effect and integral tests.


Apros demo - control rod ejection


Read more about selected reference cases

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Extensive and accurate system code

With the help of Apros, one is able to develop an integrated power plant simulation model including different systems:

  • Reactor core neutronics with either a 3D nodal model, 1D model or point kinetics model
  • Whole thermohydraulic process systems on both primary and secondary side including turbine island
  • Automation systems (both analog and digital)
  • Electrical systems
  • Containment building

Please contact us if you are interested in Apros licenses, training or modelling and analysis support regarding deterministic safety analyses.

Toni Salminen

Tel: +358 400 519 650
toni [dot] salminen [at] fortum [dot] com

Nuclear power

We offer services for the whole life-cycle of nuclear power plants

More about Nuclear Services
Duo contract

Services for Process Simulation and Safety Analysis

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