Nuclear and Radioactive Waste Management, Planning and Optimisation

Fortum has over 40 years of experience on safe, sustainable and cost-effective radioactive waste management at its nuclear facilities. Through that long operator history, we have developed comprehensive expertise on all areas of nuclear waste management. The expertise provides us excellent capabilities to plan and optimise the waste management of a nuclear facility or the processes of another industry treating or handling radioactive waste.

Nuclear waste management
Long experience on optimisation of radioactive waste management

During over 40 years we have developed and optimised our waste management practices. We can provide a holistic view on radioactive waste management strategy and plan waste management practices and solutions in the most optimised way both radiation safety and life time cost wise.

Executive Management
Waste stream and waste management planning

Based on our experience on handling all different kinds of waste categories, materials and activity levels, we can optimise your waste management routes from characterisation and sorting of waste to treatment, recycling, storing and final disposal of the waste.

Recycling and waste services
Waste reduction and logistical optimisation

We have expertise and solutions for volume reduction of radioactive wastes and we are able to provide engineering services to plan and implement interim storage and final disposal of wastes in the most optimised way.

Fortum's expert knowledge in Waste Management

Fortum has over 40 year’s extensive nuclear operator experience and unique knowledge of treatment and handling of activated and contaminated nuclear waste. We are able to develop the optimised waste management strategies from safety, sustainability and life-time cost-efficiency perspectives for nuclear facilities in different phases of their life-cycle. Based on our experience on operational waste, decommissioning waste, the treatment of liquid waste and nuclear waste disposal, we can help you to optimise your waste management.

Fortum offers optimization of nuclear waste management practises in the following areas.

  • Development of radioactive waste management strategy
  • Nuclear/radioactive waste management consultation
  • Nuclear waste route planning
  • Characterisation of nuclear/radioactive waste
  • Radiation safety in nuclear/radioactive waste management
  • Waste management during nuclear decommissioning
  • Nuclear legacy waste management
  • Waste packing and logistics
  • Waste management cost estimation and optimisation

Antti Ketolainen

Operating Plant and Waste Services
Tel: +358 40 751 8956
Antti [dot] V [dot] Ketolainen [at] fortum [dot] com


NURES® – Liquid Waste Treatment

Customisable solutions for purification of radioactive liquid waste through use of highly selective ion exchange materials.

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Nuclear power

We offer services for the whole life-cycle of nuclear power plants

More about Nuclear Services
Nuclear waste management

Services for Nuclear and Radioactive Waste Management

Waste Management
For nuclear power plants

Services for Nuclear Decommissioning

Nuclear Decommissioning