Loviisa nuclear power plant Environmental Impact Assessment

Fortum initiated an Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure (EIA procedure) at Loviisa nuclear power plant in August 2020. The procedure will assess the environmental impacts of the potential lifetime extension of the power plant or, alternatively, the decommissioning of the power plant, as well as the environmental impacts of the final disposal facility for low- and intermediate-level waste.

The EIA Programme, published in August 2020, includes Fortum’s plan on the assessment of environmental impacts as well as on the organisation of communication and participation. An environmental impact assessment will be performed based on the EIA Programme and the opinions and statements submitted about the programme. The results of the assessment are presented in the environmental impact assessment report, published on 6 September 2021.

The coordinating authority in the project’s EIA procedure is the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland, and the coordinating authority in the international hearing is the Ministry of the Environment of Finland.


Loviisa nuclear power plant Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Report, programme and summary materials

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